2015 Resolutions Wrap Up


You ready to see my fail?

Minimum Goals

  1. GoodReads Goal = 42 out of 20 Books ReadDONE! This marks my 4th year in a row completing (and extending) my goodreads challenge!! ^_^
  2. #Project5BooksFAILED MISERABLY!
  3. Read 5 Classics = I only read one this yearFAILED!
  4. Read everyday  = FAILED but I did read a LOT more frequently this year =]
  5. Keep up blog = I’d say I sorta did this. I was really good up until I moved to Japan and got a full time jobDONE!

2 out of 5 Completed!

Aim Goals

  1. Read all Brandon Sanderson books pre-2015 = Hahahaha don’t ake me laugh. I haven’t read ONE book by his this year (Nearly finished Mistborn 2 though!) = EXCEEDINGLY FAILED!
  2. Finish ALL ARCS! = Nope – FAILED!
  3. Finish 4 Series/Trilogies = I finished three: Narnia, The Selection Trilogy and The Rain DuologyFAIL!
  4. Terry Pratchett Read-a-Long = I only read Sourcery this year ='[ = FAILED!
  5. Out way manga vs books = 138:132 = FAIL!
  6. Complete a November NaNoWriMo (damn you 50k!) = FAILED!
  7. Physical books down to at least 40 = According to my note book, I’m down the 42 physical books which I say is damn close! But still = FAILED!

0 out of 7 Completed!

Insane Goals

  1. #0by16 (excluding those I get in 2015) = FAILED HOLY MACKEREL FAIL!
  2. NPR’s 100 Best SF and Fantasy Books Challenge = FAILED!


So that is the train wreck I call my fail of 2015 resolutions…. How bad did you do? I am proud of how many books I read this year and I’m exceedingly proud that almost ALL the manga I read was in Japanese so that’s a huge accomplishment in my opinion but I only managed to complete 2 challenges and there were only 5 challenges that should’ve been possible! And not even being able to do those is just… embarrassing!

There’s always next year anyway ^_^

How did you do this year?

Top Ten Tuesday #44 – Books I Want Santa to Bring


This Week’s Theme: Books I Want Santa to Bring

I’m a day late but shhhh! I really wanted to post these 10 books and tell you all!! ^_^

Yes, My Accent Is Real: and Some Other Things I Haven't Told You
Definitely my favourite in the entire Big Bang cast ❤

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
Followed her for years and watch all her stuff! I think she’s great!

The Master Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy, #3)
I NEED to finish this series/trilogy!

Orange 4 (オレンジ, #4)
Obsessed with this manga and need to finish and own asap!

Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)
Still dying to get my hands on this and have been dying to get it since before it was released!

Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog, #1)
Another I’ve been dying to read since before it came out!

I need to know what happens in the second book like yesterday! Give it to me!!

The Martian
I know I’m missing out majorly!!

The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #2)
Course I need to know what happened next!!!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
Need I explain this one?

What’s under your tree? Have you gotten any for Christmas that you know of?

The Last Blast & The First Spurt Read-a-Thon

So I just came up with this now. It’s more of a personal read-a-thon but join if you wish! Basically, I’m gunna have a read-a-thon 29th December to the 3rd January to ensure I finish as many books at the end of the year as possible as well as get a good head start on next years challenge (book count still undecided).

If you DO wanna join then here are the details:

Runs: Midnight (your time) 29th December – 3rd Jan 11:59pm (your time)
Challenge: Read as many book as possible! Hit that goal count! Get a good head start!

I hope to get Mistborn finished, maybe get a good head start into Enlantris as well as finally finish GANTZ and some other manga xD

If you do join let me know but like I said, it’s personally for me so I don’t mind if you don’t join ^_^

November WU, December CR + NaNoWriMo!

We are in the final month of the year which is exceedingly crazy! This year has gone FAST!

Wrap Up:

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (4.5/5)

The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)

I’ve also read about 25% of Well of Ascension and I am really enjoying it but I was more preoccupied with TV and NaNo in November to seriously stick my teeth into it.

Currently Reading:

The Well of Ascension and I started Heroin Shikakku Volume 4 today too!

The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, #2)

I have less than 30 days to read about 10 books – that ain’t gunna happen and I ain’t worried. I’ll have about 12 days off work this month so fingers crossed I can get some serious reading done in that time!

Also, NaNoWriMo!



I did not complete NaNoWrimo, I only got about 12,000ish words BUT I don’t feel guilty or unaccomplished xD It was close to my personal goal which was 15,000 words so that’s great! I wanna finally get serious about writing and so between now and Camp NaNoWriMo, I wanna finish the story I began this NaNo and then once Camp comes around, I wanna start a new story for that and then work on that until the next NaNo and – you see the cycle plan I have going – but we will see. I always have LOTS of goals every year and never really complete any of them. So we’ll see.

How was your November Reading Month? What is your December TBR or Currently Reading? Are you freaking out that it’s the last month of the year?!